Contact information: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
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- Postdoctoral Fellow: 2004 to 2007 University of California Berkeley; Berkeley, CA
- PhD physics Univeristy of Delaware 2003
- BS physics Univeristy of Florida 1994
- Quantum Monte Carlo: Explicit many body simulations of mesoscopic Bose and fermionic systems. Particularly interested in evaluation of pure estimates of the one-body density matrix and other correlation functions for strongly interacting systems in unique geometries. Also interested in the development and application of Quantum Monte Carlo methods from a purely technical standpoint including synergies with other stochastic methods as applied to problems such as pattern recognition and inverse optimization.
- Quantum coherence in mesoscopic systems: Strong interest in emergent properties of trapped / confined and disordered quantum many-body systems. Particularly interested in the interplay between interparticle correlations, system geometry and long range order including beyond-mean-field effects such as condensate fragmentation and other collective effects which are strongly modulated by synergies between interparticle interactions and finite size effects. Systems with persistent flow states such as superconducting quantum interference devices and rotating condensates as well as transport properties of superfluids in lattice-like potentials are also of interest.
Recent publications:
Donghwa Lee, Jonathan L DuBois, Vincenzo Lordi
Phys. Rev. Lett, 112 017001, 2014 -
Exchange-correlation energy for the three-dimensional homogenesou electron gas at arbitrary temperature
EW Brown, JL DuBois, M Holzmann, DM Ceperley
Phys. Rev. B, 88(8) 081102, 2013 -
Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulation of the Warm-Dense Homogeneous Electron Gas
EW Brown, BK Clark, JL DuBois, DM Ceperley
Phys. Rev. Lett, 112(1) 017001, 2013 -
Theoretical Analysis of the Anomalous Spectral splitting of Tetracene in 4 He Droplets
HD Whitley, JL Dubois, KB Whaley
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011 -
Prospects for release-node quantum Monte Carlo
NM Tubman, JL DuBois, RQ Hood, BJ Alder
High-Pressure Phases of Calcium: Density-Functional Theory and Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Approach
AM Teweldeberhan, JL Dubois, SA Bonev
Physical review letters 105 (23), 235503, 2010 -
Measurement-based measure of the size of macroscopic quantum superpositions
JI Korsbakken, KB Whaley, J Dubois, JI Cirac
Physical Review A 75 (4), 042106, 2007 -
Localization of Bose-Einstein condensation by disorder , A Shams and JL DuBois, HR Glyde J. Low Temp. Phys. 145 (5-6) 357 (2006)
Natural Orbitals and BEC in traps, A diffusion Monte Carlo analysis, J.L. DuBois and H.R. Glyde. Phys. Rev. A 68, 033602 (2003)
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Traps: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study, J.L. DuBois, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Delaware (2003)
Bose-Einstein Condensates in 85-Rb gases at higher densities, A.R. Sakhel, J.L. DuBois and H.R. Glyde. Phys. Rev. A 66, (6) 063610 (2002)
Bose-Einstein Condensate in traps: A diffusion Monte Carlo analysis, J.L. DuBois and H.R. Glyde, In Press, Condensed Matter Theories. Vol.~18 (2002)
Bose-Einstein Condensation in trapped bosons, A variational Monte Carlo analysis, J.L. DuBois and H.R. Glyde. Phys. Rev. A 63, 23 602 (2001).
Monte Carlo simulation of bose-einstein condensation in traps, J.L. DuBois and H.R. Glyde. Condensed Matter Theories. Vol. 16, edited by Susana Hernandez (2001).